Agent workflow efficiency with the Sticky Notes app for Zendesk

Agent workflow efficiency with the Sticky Notes app for Zendesk

For Zendesk customer support agents and administrators, effective and timely ticket management is the linchpin of success. Enter Sticky Notes, the Swiss Army knife for Zendesk, a flexible and powerful tool that can be configured to surface and display key information from ticket fields, organisation and user profile fields when and where you need it.  In fact, one of the most important features of Sticky Notes is to bring Organisation and User Fields into Tickets.  This turns Zendesk into a powerful customer management tool, providing agents with a clear snapshot of the customer profile fields displayed neatly on a ticket in the app's location.

As well as being able to handle Pinned Comments and Custom Notes, Sticky Notes offers so much more including the recently launched Logged Notes feature to help take collaboration on tickets between agents to the next level.

Sticky Notes revolutionises ticket management within Zendesk by offering a host of features that cater to a broad user base. Whether you're a customer support agent, team lead, administrator, developer, or QA professional, this tool ensures that crucial information remains consistently visible and up-to-date. Bid farewell to the complexities of traditional internal notes, as Sticky Notes introduces a dynamic approach to communication that supports ongoing updates, preventing the loss of critical details within lengthy ticket threads.  

Customer love for Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes is loved by our customer base and they’re not afraid to share it. Here’s some testimonials showing how some of our customer’s use and rate Sticky Notes.

“We make use of the Sticky Notes app on a daily basis. We run a complex and active support desk, and tickets can sometimes go on for quite some time and build up an extensive history. Sticky Notes allows us to bubble the important information up to the top, saving our higher tiers of support for needing to dig through comment after comment to find the information they need.”
“We are using Sticky notes to compile different ticket and organization fields into one text block that's easy to read and to copy and paste. I have had to ask the app author for some help along the way. They've been responsive and have gone above and beyond to not only solve my problem, but to create solutions to new challenges I present them. Highly, highly recommend!”

Check out some of the new and key features below for more on what Sticky Notes can offer.

New Features: Taking Collaboration to the Next Level

  • Logged Notes: Timestamped and agent-attributed notes with customizable editing permissions provide a detailed and organized history of ticket interactions.

  • Action Buttons: Empower your workflow by creating buttons that trigger Zendesk macros and open URLs in new tabs, reducing manual effort.

  • Clone Objects: Duplicate and move objects effortlessly across locations for enhanced flexibility and efficiency.

Key Features: Enhancing Visibility and Communication

  • Pinned Comments: Highlight important ticket comments to prevent crucial information from getting lost in extensive threads.
  • Smart Notices: Craft custom notices with support for placeholders and Liquid markup, allowing dynamic display and manipulation of organization, user, and ticket field values.
  • Highly Visible Notes: View or edit important notes conveniently in the sidebar, showcasing or editing organization and user fields directly within tickets.
  • Rich Text Editor: Enjoy a customizable WYSIWYG/rich-text editor for notes, bringing a new level of clarity to your communication.
  • Field Descriptions: Enhance agent understanding with instructions above and below fields, accompanied by helper tooltips for a seamless experience.
  • Data Portability: Store notes in custom fields for enhanced connectivity with other apps, Explore, and easy export.
  • Zendesk Field Support: Comprehensive support for all field types within Zendesk.
  • Flexible Field Management: Utilize multiple fields for varied note purposes, controlled by Zendesk administrators for a tailored experience.
  • Expandable Window: Increase visibility and ease of use by expanding and editing notes in a larger dialog.
  • Advanced Styling: Style fields based on importance and data type, ensuring they stand out or blend in seamlessly.

Experience the Future of Zendesk with Sticky Notes

To sum up, Sticky Notes isn't just an ordinary note taking app; it's a game-changer in Zendesk ticket management. 

Elevate your team's efficiency, enhance collaboration, and streamline communication with this advanced tool. Say goodbye to ticket management woes and embrace a new era of productivity.

For more information about the use of Sticky Notes within Zendesk, or on other Lovestock & Leaf apps, please feel free to contact us via our Zendesk Help Centre at support.lovestockleaf.com or visit our website at lovestockleaf.com

About Lovestock & Leaf

Lovestock & Leaf is a certified Advanced Tech Partner, with over 12+ years experience working and partnering with Zendesk.  We’ve been developing  Zendesk extensions and apps for over a decade and have built some of the most popular apps available in the Zendesk marketplace, including 5-STAR rated Quickie, Lovely Views and Sticky Notes.  Our apps are designed first and foremost with the agent in mind, providing our thousands of Zendesk customers with an enhanced and efficient agent experience.  Save your business time and money by implementing a Lovestock & Leaf app today!

Written by
Mark Leaf
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