17 reasons why Lovely Views is superior to Standard Zendesk Views

17 reasons why Lovely Views is superior to Standard Zendesk Views

Enhanced views, detailed previews, one-click bookmarks and lots more, Lovely Views reimagines ticket navigation, organization, and management on Zendesk. With a focus on efficiency and user experience, we've designed an app that not only simplifies ticket handling but also enriches it with advanced customization options, ensuring your team can focus on what truly matters — providing exceptional customer support.

Check out the following 17 reasons why Lovely Views is superior to Standard Views below.

  1. Unlimited Views + Categorisation
  2. Advanced Search and View Toolkit
  3. My ticket tabs view
  4. My user profile view
  5. Current ticket activity view for admins and team leaders
  6. Advanced Merging of Tickets
  7. Sort tickets in a view using up to 3 columns
  8. Various Dark Mode Options
  9. Increase maximum number of tickets per page
  10. Customize how personal and ungrouped views are displayed
  11. Unread / read tickets indication and filtering
  12. Enhanced ticket previews
  13. Wrap View
  14. Advanced filtering
  15. Favorite views
  16. Personal bookmarking
  17. Select all pages for bulk action

Bonus 18. Advanced ticket search coming very soon!

Unlimited Views + Categorisation

Lovely Views is not bound by the restrictions on the number of views that can be created.  Zendesk standard views currently allow a maximum of 30 views.  For mid-market and Enterprise customers, often juggling multiple brands and locations, being able to manage the categorisation of views without being restricted is essential.

Advanced Search and View Toolkit

Lovely Views currently allows you to view your recent searches and save searches to reuse later.  Soon it will also include an integrated advanced search system, named Seek.  Customise search criteria on Seek with conditions, order, and columns to find the tickets you need. Retrieve specific tickets rapidly, even from extensive lists, saving you valuable time. 

Seek will allow you to define result columns and a sort order, as well as save the searches so you can treat them just like views. 

Seek will provide conditional features that aren't available in views, which may solve some of the issues being reported by other customers with the limitations of native view conditions.

My ticket tabs view

Here, you'll see the tickets that you have opened in tabs, providing a convenient way to jump back to specific issues you're working on.

My user profile view

Assigned - This section lists all tickets currently assigned to you, giving you a snapshot of your immediate responsibilities.

Requested - Here, you’ll find tickets that you have created or requested. It serves as a personal tracker for the issues you've raised or are invested in.

Followed - This view contains tickets you are following, perhaps because they involve multiple departments or are of particular interest. Following a ticket allows you to receive notifications about updates without being the ticket assignee.

CC'd - In this view, you'll see tickets where you've been included as a Carbon Copy (CC) recipient. It’s useful for keeping an eye on conversations where your input or action may eventually be required.

Current ticket activity view for admins and team leaders

This admin view shows real-time updates of all the ticket activities across your team. It’s a dynamic view that helps you stay informed about the ongoing interactions within assigned tickets.

Advanced Merging of Tickets

This feature offers the flexibility to include comments from selected tickets into a newly merged ticket. It prompts you each time you initiate a merge, allowing you to specify if and how you wish to incorporate existing ticket comments.

The different custom merge options are:

Don't copy anything - As straightforward as it gets—no data from the original tickets are carried over to the newly merged ticket.

Most recently updated ticket - The system selects the ticket with the latest updates as the primary source, ensuring the most current information is preserved.

Rolling - Starting with data from the least recently updated ticket, the system sequentially updates the information with data from more recently updated tickets, compiling a comprehensive overview.

Specify by ticket ID - Offers the precision of choosing exactly which ticket’s data you wish to use as the foundation for the merged ticket.

Sort tickets in a view using up to 3 columns

Organise your ticket views by sorting with up to three distinct columns. When configuring a view in Zendesk, the user can only select 1 order by column for sorting. Lovely provides 2 more columns to order by, on top of the one that is in the Zendesk configuration. This makes a total of 3 columns you can sort a view by in Lovely Views.

Various Dark Mode Options

Dark mode is an aesthetically pleasing and eye-friendly visual option that reduces glare and makes the text easier to read. Lovely Views supports a comprehensive dark mode that changes the interface's theme across the app and the sidebars.

Lovely Views offers both Dark Mode and Dark Mode (light) as personalised options for the app.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode (lighter)

Increase maximum number of tickets per page

Standard views only display up to a max of 30 tickets per page for each view.  If you have a lot of tickets in a view, this means a lot of wasted time clicking through pages one by one to find the tickets you need.  Lovely Views allows up to 200 tickets to be displayed per page and within that provides you with a preferred number of tickets option so you can choose how many tickets (from 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, or 200) you want to display on each page.

Standard views also requires you to click page by page as part of its pagination, whilst with Lovely Views you can also go directly to a particular numbered page.

Customize how personal and ungrouped views are displayed

Disable personal folder

This setting allows users to manage the organization of their personal views within the views list. If this setting is enabled, personal views will not be separated into their own 'Personal' folder but will be mixed with other views. This can help streamline the views list by eliminating one layer of categorization, potentially making it quicker for agents to navigate to their personal views. When this setting is turned off, personal views remain grouped under a distinct 'Personal' folder, which may help users who prefer a more structured organization of views.

Disable Misc folder.

This setting allows users to manage the grouping of their ticket views within the Lovely Views app. By default, any views that are not part of a specific group are automatically placed into a miscellaneous or 'Misc' folder for organization. Toggling this setting off will disable the automatic grouping into the 'Misc' folder, allowing for a different method of organization as per user preference or workflow requirements.

Unread / read tickets indication and filtering

Enhance your workflow by toggling tickets between read and unread status directly in preview or via bulk edit. This flexibility allows you to manage follow-ups effectively, ensuring important tickets can be revisited and no critical issue is accidentally ignored.

Enhanced ticket previews, that include all comments and additional information, and also allow actions on tickets.

Our previews do more than display information; they enable quick actions such as bookmarking, marking as read/unread, flagging as spam, and deleting. This feature enhances your efficiency by allowing you to manage tickets directly from the preview.

Wrap View: Text wrapping option in view so text isn't truncated

Select the wrap option to choose between a wrapped view, which shows all content, and a single-line view, which truncates longer text for a cleaner look.

Advanced Filtering

To display only tickets that meet certain criteria within your views. Click on the filter icon to apply predefined filters or create custom filters for your ticket list. Filters can be based on tags, status, satisfaction, requester, request date, and assignee, and more filters will be available soon.

Favorite Views

Keep your most frequently used views prominently placed for quick access. Favorites ensure that your essential tools are always ready, accelerating your daily tasks.

Personal bookmarking

Privately bookmark tickets directly from the sidebar, ticket list, or in bulk. These bookmarks are stored in your personal Bookmarks folder, visible only to you, ensuring your priorities are neatly organized and readily accessible.

Select all pages for bulk action

Borne out of a need for customer’s to be able to bulk delete a high volume of tickets, the Select all pages feature saves hours of time for those wanting to select up to thousands of tickets for bulk deletion/edit at one time.  Standard views only allows for up to 80 tickets at a time to be deleted/updated in bulk, making it a very manual time consuming process.

For more information about the use of Lovely Views within Zendesk, or on other Lovestock & Leaf apps, please feel free to contact us via our Zendesk Help Centre or visit our website.

About Lovestock & Leaf

Lovestock & Leaf is a certified Advanced Tech Partner, with over 12+ years experience working and partnering with Zendesk.  We’ve been developing Zendesk extensions and apps for over a decade and have built some of the most popular apps available in the Zendesk marketplace, including 5-STAR rated Quickie, Lovely Views and Sticky Notes.  Our apps are designed first and foremost with the agent in mind, providing our thousands of Zendesk customers with an enhanced and efficient agent experience.  Save your business time and money by implementing a Lovestock & Leaf app today!

Written by
Mark Leaf
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